I24: Regulation of thrombosis during Behçet disease through cytokines and nitric oxide: EBI-3 as potential marker for vascular manifestations
Ghozali N. (1) , Belguendouz H. (1), Abdesselam Z. (3), Hadjimi Z. (1), Messaoudene DJ. (2), Ihammichene S. (1), Kediha M,I. (4), Terahi M. (5), Amroun Ait Belkacem H. (3), Touil-Boukoffa C. (1).
1: Team "Cytokines and NO synthases: Immunity and pathogenesis", LBCM, FSB, USTHB. 2: Laboratory of Biodiversity, Biotechnology, Environment and sustainable Development, FS, UMBB. 3: Central laboratory CHU Nafissa Hammoud. 4: department of neurology, CHU Mustapha Bacha, Algiers, Algeria. 5: Department of ophthalmology, CHU Nafissa Hammoud.
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/ 31 Vues
/ Publié le 2022-03-12
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